MozaicID Supplies CFATS Facilities With TWIC Readers Meeting Full Compliance with RBPS 12(IV) (Option 3)
MozaicID announces the sale of multiple MozaicID Mobile Credential Reader (MCR) units to Chemical Facilities Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) facilities nationwide. The MozaicID MCR is capable of reading TWIC, CAC, PIV, PIV-I and other identity smart cards and provides a fully compliant security solution, fulfilling Option 3 of CFATS RBPS 12(iv).
MozaicID’s President, Steve Bowen, identifies the use of TWIC as a cost-effective solution to meet full compliance with RBPS 12(iv). TWIC allows facilities to maintain high-level security while also significantly decreasing the overall security costs of individual personnel vetting. The MozaicID MCR meets all the requirements outlined in RBPS 12(iv):
Verify and validate identity
Check criminal history
Verify and validate legal authorization to work
identify people with terrorist ties.
Other standout features of the MCR include validation of TWIC and the ability to check against the DHS Cancelled Card List (CCL), without connectivity required. The MozaicID MCR validates the expiration and authenticity of the TWIC and card issuance by TSA. MozaicID offers a cost effective security solution to facilities across the nation. Vist to learn more about MozaicID’s security solution.